Monday, November 30, 2009


I am confused, lost, and frustrated above all.
I want to know, but I also don't want to know.
One moment I think he feels the same way
about me as I do about him, and the next
moment I think he couldn't care less about me.
Why does it always have to be so complicated?

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, was a pretty
epic day. I got to school ridiculously early to
work on my English paper, but only an hour
after I arrived my friend came into the class
room and so the distractions began. Over the
next few hours we were joined by several
other friends and some actors, too. Eventually
we ended up going to the mall (I had given up
on my paper at this point) to do some quick
shopping. Being the shopaholic I am, I bought
a sexy red tank top when I really shouldn't
have. On our journey to find something nice
for my friend to wear to the party we did
discover a nice, fancy store that sells cute
dresses for only $30; I will be found at this
store often in the future.

When we got back it was already getting
pretty late and most had to run off for
running crew, only those who were doing
front of house were left, along with me
because I was going to see the show that
night. Before my family arrived I decided
to quickly change into my new top to see
how people would react to it (it is very low
cut at the front). To my great enjoyment
one of my male friends, who was on front of
house that night, had the hardest time not
staring at my chest, though eventually it
got rather annoying.

After the show we all quickly got ready and
left for the cast (and crew) party. Earlier I
was pretty nervous because I didn't know
exactly what to expect, but all nerves dissa-
peared as soon as I stepped into the car.
When we arrived there were already groups
of people waiting as our driver was the host.
As to be expected from a university party
there were people doing drugs, but at least
they kept that in a different room. One of
my friends had brought a ton of liquor and
stuff to mix with so he made most of us drinks
throughout the night (I still owe him for this).
Well at this point things get hard to describe
with mere words, but I'll try to briefly cover
the highlights of the party. First, there was
the great game of boob tag. For those who have
never heard of this game before, it is basically
a simple game of tag, but you have to touch a
person's boob to tag them. Yes. It really is as
perverted as it sounds, especially when most of
the guys join in. Lots of groping did occur, but
honestly, it was fun (No, I'm not a slut). Then
there were the confessions: all of the plays' actors
got in a circle and shared their roles' secrets. I
can't exactly remember them, but they were
rather amusing. Another good part of the party
was spent randomly dancing with friends, people-
I-had-never-met-before, and people-who-I-had-
kinda-met-before-but-never-really-talked-to, but
mostly with friends. I would love to say more on
the subject of friends, but I won't in this blog. I
will also not say anything about what happened
after the party in my friend's basement because
my point of view might be misleading to some. :P

Now today was full of hang-overs and splinters, as
we tore down the stage shortly after the party (for
some anyway). I was rather pleased with how fast
we all managed to work, especially considering the
party earlier that morning. It took us four weeks
to build everything, but only four hours to tear it
all down. I should really work on my English paper
right now, but instead I will go to bed.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Yesterday was rather crazy, but in the good and
fun way. During lunch I went to the food court
with some friends and we found that the annual
poster sale was going on so we went to look there
first. I bought two posters, one fashion painting
and a huge one of Johnny Depp at the piano. <3
At night I was supposed to be on front of house
for the show, but just before the audience was
seated my supervisor told me to come find her
backstage a.s.a.p. because someone from running
had to leave and I am supposed to replace
her. Not prepared for this at all, I went backstage
during a show for the first time in my life and set
of on my new adventure. Once I had found her,
she me told I would be shadowing her for the
night in case the girl who had leave could not be
there for tomorrow's show. In all honesty, I loved
the experience and I hope I can do it again tonight.
After the show we all went to Boston Pizza (there
were about 15 of us) to eat, drink, and enjoy each
others' company. I had a ton of fun and hope that
Saturday's party will be even more fun~!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Anthropologie's new store in London.



I just had a long conversation with
a friend about boys and relationships,
and it felt really good. It makes me
happy that I now have a person in
my life I can talk to and trust her not
to tell anyone else, and I hope she
feels the same way about me. Now I
have to go back to doing my English
homework, oh joy . . .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today has been pretty boring since I was
sick and stayed home. For some reason I
decided to be smart and leave my English
textbook at school thus making it impossi-
ble to work on my rhetorical paper, which
is due tomorrow morning. Guess I'll have
to lose some marks and hand it in late. On
the other hand I did make a shit load of
icons and posted them all on LJ. A friend
of mine had requested a bunch of K-pop
ones and I actually like a few of them. c:
Here are a few of my favourite ones:


Love Label: coats, dresses & tops.


Monday, November 23, 2009


The semester is nearly over and stress is high for
I still have 2 papers to write, 2 final projects to finish,
and a binder to fill. At least my new friends are very
helpful with taking my mind of things when needed,
by, for example, taking me shopping. Today we went
to the mall to look at dresses for our Christmas party
and I have bought a gorgeous little red one. <3 Of
course we also had to visit H&M, where I bought a
cute top. Pictures will come sometime later this week.

Over the last few months of spending an extreme
amount of time with my new classmates I have begun
to like a guy in my class, but unfortunately all the guys
in my class are a year or two younger than me and
I'm not too sure what to think about that. On one hand
I think age should not matter if you're in love, but on
the other I'm scared that it would feel too awkward.
Also, I think it is rather unlikely that he likes me in return.

In the mean time, the touring show I've been working
on has come to an end and the main stage show opened
a few days ago. Needless to say, I have been and still am
very busy with my tech calls and I'm finding little time
for actual homework. This worries me and I hope I will
manage to pass my English class. I am also nervous
about getting my costumes paper and midterm back, I
don't think I did too great on either. All the complaining
aside, though, I absolutely love the program I'm in &
I hope I can continue to become a theatre designer one day.


Just imagine this is a nice introduction
to this newly created blog, alright?


For those who are interested, I also
have a blog a Livejournal, though I
now strictly use that one for sharing
graphics, photographs, and drawings;
my lj username is the same as this one.